Capacity Building
The objective is to enhance the capacity of service providers, communities and the targeted populations (the Most at risk, young people and other vulnerable populations) and their CSOs, CBOs, Networks, groups and youth clubs to deliver appropriate and context specific HIV/TB, STI and SRH services and information.
Capacity for delivery of comprehensive SHR&R, HIV/TB, STI services is built for service providers, service beneficiaries including Most At Risk populations, adolescent girls and young women including other young people, vulnerable and other at high risk populations. This is through trainings, placements, on job mentorships, coaching and support supervisions.
Key Activities.
- Train health care providers in provision of friendly, non-discriminatory and stigma free services to young people and other at risk populations.
- Train Peer educators from Most At Risk populations, young people, adolescent girls and young women and other at risk populations to create demand, deliver
appropriate interventions, and provide information and life skills. - Train health care providers in management of Gender Based violence- GBV.
- Train Health care providers in provision of comprehensive SRH care services.
- Conduct training and skills development for the Stop GBV& Stigma champions, role models, among Most At Risk populations, Young people and other At risk and marginalized populations groupings, and networks.
- Conduct on job mentorships and supervisions and capacity/quality service audits.
- Orient and mentor teachers, parents, guardians and community gate keeper in parenting skills and responsible childhood.
- Train, mentor and couch Most At Risk populations, young people and other at risk populations in delivery of tailored, appropriate services, messaging on HIV/
TB/STI/SHR and other interventions. - Conduct Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) using the tool –OCAT and training of the CBO leaders, peer leaders of youth and Most At Risk populations organization in leadership, organization development and other capacity gap areas.
- Provide experiential learning to CBOs and youth groups and networks.