MARPI Clinic's Impact.

At MARPI Clinic, our mission is to reach Out To The Socially, Economically And Legally Marginalized, Stigmatized And Discriminated Populations With HIV/TB/ STI/Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights Services And Social Economic Interventions. We are dedicated to reducing the impact of HIV and empowering most at risk communities through accessible healthcare.

Statistics and Metrics:

  • Provided HIV testing and counseling to over 25,000 from key populations in 2023.
  • Distributed over 2m condoms majorly to sex workers to promote safer sex practices.
  • Distributed over 25,000 HIV self testing kits to sex workers and other vulnerable and most at risk populations 
  • Enrolled 2,100 clients ( Most At Risk) populations in our HIV treatment program, ensuring continuous care and support.
  • Initiated over 4500 Most At Risk on PrEP and over 2700  were still taking PrEP in 2024.
  • Established 22 drop in centers in different regional referral hospitals and health facilities cross the country to foster an  enabling environment to access services.
  • Conducted over 700 dialogues & sensitization meetings among health workers, district stakeholders, law enforcements, local counsels and gate keepers

MARPI Stat on different Indicators

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Program Highlights:

Our targeted services include outreach programs, condom distribution, HIV self-testing kit distribution, and education sessions specifically designed for sex workers,  people who inject drugs  and other most at risk populations. We provide HIV prevention & testing, care and treatment, proctology, cervical cancer screening, and family planning, all tailored to most at risk & vulnerable, populations. Additionally, we conduct dialogues, sensitizations, mentorships, and support supervision to create an enabling environment for these groups.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

Collaborating with international and local partners, such ROM, TASO/Global Fund, EJAF, UPBM, e.t.c, has allowed us to expand our services and improve the quality of care we provide to Most At Risk populations. These partnerships are crucial in amplifying our impact.

Future Goals:

By 2028 – 2030, Universal Access To HIV/ TB/STI/ SRH&R And Other Health Services By The Most At Risk, And Vulnerable Populations Coupled With Socio-Economic Empowerment

Call to Action

Join us in our mission to reach Out To The Socially, Economically And Legally Marginalized, Stigmatized And Discriminated Populations With HIV/TB/ STI/Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights Services And Social Economic Interventions.  Your support through donations or gifts can help us reach even more people in need.