Health System Strengthening.

By enhancing our healthcare infrastructure and improving data management, we ensure that our services are efficient, effective, and accessible. We utilize advanced health information systems, including UgandaEMR, PIRS, DHIS2, and KP Tracker, which are pivotal in streamlining operations, monitoring patient outcomes, and guiding our health interventions.

UgandaEMR is a comprehensive electronic medical records system that allows us to maintain detailed and accurate patient records. This system enhances clinic efficiency, reduces errors, and facilitates better care coordination. It supports our Continuity on Treatment (CoT) monitoring by providing data on patient retention, appointment adherence, and medication pickup rates, enabling us to identify at-risk patients and implement targeted interventions to support their treatment adherence.


The Program Implementation and Reporting System (PIRS) helps us manage and monitor the implementation of various health programs. By collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on program performance, PIRS helps us identify areas for improvement and optimize resource allocation. This system supports our community outreach initiatives by tracking the distribution of HIV self-testing kits, condoms, and other preventive measures, ensuring that our health interventions are data-driven and responsive to community needs.

DHIS2 and KP Tracker further strengthen our health system by providing comprehensive data management and analysis capabilities. DHIS2 allows us to track key health indicators, monitor trends, and generate reports that inform decision-making. KP Tracker is designed to monitor and support the health needs of KPs, tracking the delivery of services and supporting our peer model approach. Together, these systems create a cohesive and efficient health information infrastructure, enabling us to deliver high-quality, evidence-based care and improve health outcomes for KPs and PPs.